Two days ago we released our WordPress Social Login Plugin. We’re happy to report that it was a great success! During the last two days it has been installed on more than 1000 WordPress Blogs! Thank you very much!
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We have now added VKontakte (В Контакте) to the social networks available for the Social Login Plugin. You can now let your customers authenticate using their VKontakte profile.
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We have now added Hyves to the social networks available for the Social Login Plugin.
Hyves is a social networking site in the Netherlands with mainly Dutch members and competes in this country with sites such as Facebook and MySpace. Hyves has more than 10 million accounts.
You can now let your customers authenticate using their Hyves account. Our API will return you the user profile and you can then use that information to register them for your own site, identify them in a blog comment, or otherwise use this information to streamline their experience.
Hyves has a 68% penetration rate in the Netherlands. If your website has mostly dutch visitors, you should consider adding the login with Hyves to increase your signup rate.

Today we have rolled out a new version of our Social Library and we are very excited about it! We have increased both speed and stability and prepared the deployment of a great number of new providers like for example Livejournal, Hyves, Blogger, AOL, Mixi and the login with your OpenId.
These providers – and many others – will be available soon! Stay tuned!

We have now added Linkedin to the social networks available for the Social Login Plugin. You can now let your customers authenticate using their LinkedIn account.
Our API will return you the LinkedIn profile and you can then use that information to register them for your own site, identify them in a blog comment, or otherwise use this to streamline their experience.
This provides you with increased registrations with minimal work.