Until April 20, 2015 it was possible to use Social Login with Google without having to setup a Google application in your OneAll account. This was made possible by using Google OpenID for sign in.
Several months ago we already added the possibility to switch to the newer Google+ protocol simply by setting up Google in your OneAll account. This setup was optional but has now become a requirement as Google has shutdown OpenID.
More about these changes here:
OpenID can no longer be used to login with Google accounts. OpenID 2.0 support was shut down in order to focus on the newer open standard OpenID Connect, which provides greater security for your account.
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WPEngine is a fully-managed WordPress hosting platform with strong security measures to ensure that your blog is protected from exploits and running at peak performance.
Understanding the WP Engine security measures has been a great challenge and we are happy to announce that our Social Login plugin for WordPress is now fully compatible with WPEngine.
A big thank you to the numerous customers that have provided us with suggestions and feedback about this plugin!
A couple of days ago we have added the german platform Xing to the social networks available for our Social Login service.
XING is the social network for business professionals. It has more than 13 million members worldwide and over 6 million of whom are based in German-speaking countries.
XING is a platform where professionals from all kinds of different industries can meet up, find jobs, colleagues, new assignments, cooperation partners, experts and generate business ideas.
By using your Social Login service you can now easily allow any Xing member to authenticate with their profile on your website. If you have many german speaking users, you should definitely integrate this provider.

We are proud to announce you that we have released Social Login for Joomla!
OneAll Social Login for Joomla! is a professionally developed and free extension that allows your users to register and login to your Joomla! website with their existing social network account.
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We are proud to announce you that we have released Social Login 2.0 for WordPress: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/oa-social-login/

During the last couple of months the plugin has been downloaded more than 20.000 times and many users send us their feedack. Thank you very much for this great success!
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